News Community Activities

Annual Service of Remembrance 5th July 2016 Chelmsley Wood

a meeting for the memorial gardenOn Tuesday 5th July at 1.00pm William H. Painter Funeral Directors at Chelmsley Wood alongside St Andrews Church we hosted a Service of Remembrance led by Reverend Mike Harmon, Vicar of St Andrews Church.

Thank you to those who joined us as we remembered those whose ashes were scattered in the garden at what we hope will become an annual service of remembrance and thanksgiving.

The service was also an opportunity to thank those who have supported the project, such as Staffordshire and West Midlands Community Rehabilitation Services. As part of their ongoing mission to support the community they have been providing a team to enhance the facilities to enable local residents to appreciate and to be able to safely utilize the memorial garden, whilst ensuring that people convicted of a community sentence are having a positive impact on the community. Jobs they have undertaken include mowing and strimming of the grass, edging around the cultivation areas, weeding and cutting back of trees.

Thanks to the generosity of the community there have also been items donated to the project which will enhance the garden even more including a stone birdbath, bird box, bird feeder and feed to attract local wildlife into the garden. We would like to give our thanks to the businesses who contributed.

There was music courtesy of the Kimichi School Orchestra.

Refreshments of a buffet and hot and cold beverages were served.

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