News Community Activities

William H Painter Collection Point

Funeral Arranger, Emma Welch, has been collecting ink cartridges at all William H Painter branches in aid of Birmingham Children’s Hospital Charity.

Birmingham Children’s Hospital are working with Think-inks who are a recycling organisation. To raise donations for their charity for every item which is recycled.  Think-Inks donate up to £5 for each used genuine printhead ink cartridge that is received and recycled.

For more information on the charity visit their website:

William H Partners have continued their charitable efforts by also having a bra bank at each one of their branches.  This initiative is to raise money for Against Breast Cancer, with every tonne of bras collected, they receive £700 to fund their research.

William H Painter have continued to raise awareness by putting themselves down as a location on the Against Breast Cancer’s website and putting up posters in all the branches.  Emma has advertised on William H Painter’s Facebook page urging for the public’s support in the ongoing collection.

Emma Welsh a Funeral Arranger at William H Painter has spoken about the branch’s charitable efforts

She said: “They have had a good response with 7 or 8 boxes (ink and bras) ready to send at the moment”

The response from colleagues and the public has been incredible with all branches taking part in both collections.  

For more information on how you can donate to the collection visit:

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